To explore the effects of pleural thickening on pulmonary function among asbestos workers. 探讨胸膜增厚对石棉工人肺功能的影响。
Pleurorrhea and pleural thickening are most commonly seen in SLE. 胸腔积液、胸膜增厚以SLE最多见;
Intrathoracic cannula combining with sodium hyaluronate to prevent pleural thickening of tuberculous pleurisy: cost/ effective analysis 胸腔置管联合透明质酸钠防治结核性胸膜炎胸膜肥厚:成本效果分析
Effects of Urokinase and Corticosteroids in the Prevention of Pleural Thickening and Loculated Effusions by Tuberculous Pleurisy 尿激酶、氟美松预防结核性胸膜炎胸膜肥厚和包裹性积液
Objective To observe the curative effect of urokinase in the treatment of pleurisy with extensive pleural thickening. 目的观察静脉滴注尿激酶对结核性胸膜炎并广泛性胸膜增厚和胸廓塌陷的治疗效果及不良反应。
Clinical observation on intrathoracic injection fibrinolytic enzyme on preventing and treating pleural thickening in patients with tuberculous pleural effusion 纤溶酶胸腔内注射防治结核性胸腔积液胸膜肥厚的临床观察
Hydrothorax in 19 cases, pleural thickening and adhesion in 37 cases, pleural calcification in 4 cases. 胸腔积液19例,胸膜增厚、粘连37例,胸膜钙化4例。
The extensive pleural thickening and fat line under the pleura in part of the lesions were found. 周围胸膜反应明显,有广基胸膜增厚,部分可见胸膜下脂肪线;
Most of the interlobular septa thickening, bronchovascular bundles thickening and pleural thickening happened after 7 days. 多数的小叶间隔增厚、支气管血管束增粗及胸膜增厚见于7d以后。胸膜下弧线影在各组中的分布无差异。
Patients with severe pulmonary fibrosis or complicated with cavity, aspergilloma, pleural thickening and postoperative thorax showed higher rate of positive and strongly positive bleeding. 肺组织严重纤维化或合并空洞、曲菌球、胸膜增厚粘连及胸部手术后的患者有明显高的出血阳性率以及强阳性率。
Among 4 patients with systemic amyloidosis, 3 cases of pulmonary interstitial involvement, 4 cases of pleural thickening, 4 cases of pleural effusion, 3 cases of interventricular septum and ventricular walls thickening, 1 case of pericardial effusion were observed. 4例全身性病变患者中肺间质病变3例,胸膜增厚4例,胸腔积液4例,室间隔与左心室肌增厚3例,心包积液1例。
Conclusions: Injection of urokinase into the chest cavity can lighten the symptoms such as pleural thickening and adhesion, and improve the lung capacity. 结论:胸腔内注射尿激酶可以减轻胸膜肥厚、粘连,改善肺功能。
The pleural thickening, the relationship between lung cancer and alumina dust should be taken seriously. 胸膜增厚、肺癌与接触铝矾土粉尘的关系应引起重视。
Conclusion For patients with encapsulated tuberculous pleural effusion, regular antituberculosis treatment plus urokinase injection into the pleural cavity can accelerate absorption, increase the drainage, and decrease pleural thickening. 结论规则抗痨下,胸内注射尿激酶治疗包裹性结核性胸腔积液可加速胸水的吸收,增加引流量,减轻胸膜增厚度黏连。
The early diagnosis and treatment were of benefit to the absorbing of pleural effusion and the reduction of pleural thickening. 早期诊断、早期治疗有利于胸液吸收和减少胸膜增厚。
Pleural thickening or hydrothorax were 22 cases, subcutaneous emphysema with pneumomediastinum 1case; 胸膜异常表现为胸膜肥厚或胸膜腔积液22例,纵隔及皮下气肿1例;
However, Necrotic areas, serrated margin, satellite lesions and circumscribed pleural thickening were only found in MSPN. 然而,坏死区,锯齿状边缘,卫星病灶,以及限局性胸膜增厚则仅见于MSPN。
There were localized pleural thickening adhesion and strip-like low density lesion between mass and thickened chest wall. 局限性胸膜肥厚粘连,无胸水及钙化征象,肿块与增厚的胸壁之间有条状低密度影。
The main CT findings of inactive tuberculosis were fibrotic changes, pleural thickening and mediastinal nodal calcification. 非活动性肺结核CT表现主要为纤维性改变、胸膜增厚和纵隔淋巴结钙化。
In addition, this study also found accompanying cardiac complications in 23 cases ( 30%), hydrothorax on 11 cases ( 16%) and pleural thickening in 3 cases ( 4%). 另外67例患者中还发现伴有心脏改变23例(30%),胸腔积液11例(16%)和胸膜增厚3例(4%)。
The pleural indentation with pleural thickening. 伴有胸膜增厚的胸膜凹陷征。
Local nodular or massive pleural thickening in9 cases, 6/ 9 were benign, 3/ 9 were malignant; 局限性结节样或团块状胸膜增厚9例,良性6例,恶性3例;
21 cases borderline was in focus and gently oppressed it's surrounding tissue, 17 cases pleural thickening and adhension, 3 cases mediastinal swelling lymph, while no bone destruction. 21例病灶与相邻组织的界线清晰并有轻度压迫征象,17例出现相邻胸膜肥厚粘连,3例纵隔内见肿大淋巴结,相邻骨质未见破坏。
Objective: To investigate the clinic effect of intrapleural urokinase in treatment of pleural thickening and loculated effusions by tuberculous pleural effusion. 目的:探讨胸膜腔内注入尿激酶(urokinase,UK)对结核性渗出性胸膜炎所致胸膜肥厚和粘连包裹性积液的影响。
Patients with pleural thickening, adhesion and encapsulation, visceral layer pleural biopsy by forceps pleural biopsy trocar is a kind of simple, safe and effective way. 具有胸膜增厚或胸膜粘连、胸水分隔包裹性胸腔积液患者,应用钳式胸膜活检套管针进行脏层胸膜活检是一种简单、安全和有效的胸膜活检方法。